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Crisp Fall Weather


It's been crisp and cool here in Middle Tennessee and I'm loving it. Later this week I'm headed to Michigan and can't wait to see the leaves turning. Ours have only begun to turn. It will be a nice change.

Because the weather is turning cooler, I've been looking for layering pieces. Basics are a great way to build an outfit and really help when you have a hot flash. Lol.

If you've been thinking about what basics you might need to add to your wardrobe this season, I've done some of the research for you!!

8. Not pictured is this fantastic sweatshirt I've been loving! I've seen this other places for double the price.

In this video I show this foundation (which is currently on sale). It's very nice. It's a light to medium coverage, skin loving ingredients and an SPF of 40. Right now I'm using this brush.

If you need help picking out a new foundation, in another recent video I share tips on choosing a new color.

Here's a fun recipe for Fall if you like Rice Krispies. This is a S'mores Rice Krispie recipe that our family has loved. At Walmart, I found Gluten Free Graham Crackers, in case you need them.

Things I Returned Lately:

  1. This turtleneck was very nice but I ordered up and it was too large. It definitely fits true to size.

  2. This top was so disappointing in the apricot color. What made me so sad was I received it in the blue and it was amazing. One of my favorite purchase in a long time.

I hope this finds you well and blessed. If you have suggestions for things you'd like to see, especially in a YouTube video, don't hesitate to reach out. Currently, I'm looking for any ideas for simple makeup tutorials. Those tips you've been looking for that you're pretty sure "everyone else knows" but you. (It always seems that way, right?) Those are some of the ideas, I'd love to hear from you.

God Bless you! If you're not a member of my Facebook Group, be sure to join here!


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