My menopause brain doesn't know how to handle the 100 degree heat mixed with all the Fall clothes being released right now. I want all the jeans, sweaters and boots, but it's still sooooo Hot. What's a girl to do? Lol.
This week is the last full week of Summer for our daughter.. Her senior year of High School starts next week. School starts early here (but gets out super early also).
I hope you don't mind, I'm only sharing one outfit (and details). My goal is to make this newsletter simple and easy to read (hence the theme "one thing"). My hope is it's helpful and you look forward to receiving it each week.

Outfit Info - Love this denim dress/tunic so much. I've been wearing it over shorts all Summer. T-shirt from Etsy, sandals.
One New Video - Makeup Tips I Wish I Knew Sooner.
One Beauty Product - If you need more cell turnover on your face. More "new skin". You may need more glycolic acid. These glycolic acid pads are 20% glycolic acid and I wipe them on my face 3-4 times a week immediately after washing off my makeup. With age spots and wrinkles coming at us in all directions, we need to exfoliate gently and help reduce the spots and wrinkles as much as we can. I wipe them on the backs of my hands as well as my face and neck.
This facial scrub also contains Glycolic Acid and I've used this every single morning for a few years now. Love. Love. Love.
One More Thing - If you're as excited as I am about Fall clothes, and want some Fall sneak peeks, try Avara. (use code JustDoingMyBest) and Brindle Boutique (also use code JustDoingMyBest)
I hope you find something here you love, and maybe some outfit inspiration. I appreciate you so much. If you're not already part of my Facebook Group, we'd love to have you join us and maybe make a new friend.
God Bless,