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"One Thing" Newsletter - Aug 22nd

On Saturday we are going to Wisconsin to see our grandbaby. We cannot wait. Plus, the weather looks glorious in WI so that will be a great break. There will be no newsletter next week.

If you follow along on Instagram on Stories, you may have heard our 17 year old daughter had a very frightening experience this week. Her and a friend were confronted in a Walmart parking lot by a women. After getting all the details, and my husband spoke with the manager and security at the store, we really believe these girls are very lucky and this woman (who was not alone, she was being watched by a man in a van) was not just begging for me. She had some very scary intentions. It scared these girls to death and of course, us too. Please, please, please, be careful in these parking lots and tell your daughters, nieces, granddaughters to be very careful and watch their surroundings.

My husband and I know this could have ended very badly and are so grateful these girls are safe.

Outfit Info - I have shared this top quite a bit lately. It's such a versatile top and will be terrific later under a sweater or blazer. These Amazon shorts have held up so well this Summer and the 5" inseam is perfect.

One New Video - Do you struggle with blush and contour as we age? This video is for you.

One Beauty Product - Recently I had the opportunity to try a hair growth serum. It's so easy to use and doesn't leave your hair or scalp itchy, oily or tingly. Use it before bed and it dries so quickly, within minutes you'll forget you even used it. I've been sharing it and have already had people reach out and say they've been loving it. This serum is made especially for aging hair. To help stimulate hair growth and help with frizzy and dry hair as well. Use this link and my code Dawn.20off gets you a discount. I hope it can help you or maybe a friend.

One More Thing - Not long ago I mentioned my husband and I have been taking an appetite suppressant. So far, so good. Both of us are consuming fewer calories and less food and feel like this is really helping. I have to work on making better food choices, but that's a discussion for a different day. You take this 3x a day with 2 glasses of water each time and it's been terrific for helping us to eat less and not feel like we are starving all day. Use this link and my discount code is JustDoingMyBest10.

I hope you find something here you love and will share this newsletter with a friend. I appreciate you being here so much.

God Bless,


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